and Construction
19 September 2018
Nowogrodzka 84/86, Warsaw , PIN-UP Studio

This year’s Architecture and Construction Festival will be focused on issues related to cities and the functioning of the commercial buildings that adorn them. It will also attempt to answer the question of where the people of the future will be living, working and resting. Experts and panellists will also discuss the possibilities for combining modern technology with what we know about human nature.


(7th September) Suits on bikes

(19th September) Conference

(19th September) Exhibition

(19th September) Workshops

As a taster for our upcoming Festival of Architecture, a bicycle ride is to take place along the streets of Warsaw two weeks before the conference – on September 7th, 2018.


The idea behind the bike ride is to stimulate discussion between real estate and construction market players on the future of our cities. As the density of the development in large conurbations such as Warsaw and Kraków increases, their inhabitants’ public transport systems and quality of life are impacted. But by getting away from our office desks and onto our bikes, we will be able see the actual problems faced by those living in cities. We will then discuss the infrastructural issues as well as the challenges that need to be met by urban planners – and together will try to come up with conclusions about whether a transport meltdown is on the cards in a few years’ time, or if, instead, we will be living in friendly, healthy and attractive cities. The event has been devised to provide everyone with the opportunity to share their views on planning green areas, transport systems as well as access, walking and cycle paths.

This year we will be focusing on the problems of the city’s Wola district, which has been experiencing a construction boom as residential and office projects spring up across it. Wola’s whole character is being reshaped. But will it eventually be a friendly place for local residents and office users? We will discuss Wola’s future during and after the bike ride.

Anyone can participate in the event and everyone who does so will be encouraged to share their views. This year we invite people who work in Wola, residents and enthusiasts of this district and local government officials to participate.


– Starts at 16:30 on September 7th

– The two or three starting points will be located near selected office buildings. Those participating will receive maps of the route

– Bicycles will be provided at the starting points (it will also possible to bring your own bike)

– Each group will have a supervisor provided by the organiser

– En route the participants will stop at few places and discuss the architecture and space they encounter

– At the end of the ride a meeting will be held with representatives of the city of Warsaw and Wola district

– Comments and conclusions from the ride will then be discussed in an informal atmosphere


Length of the route: about 5 km


Important: office clothing is preferred!


Day 1
Day 1
Wołoska 9a 02-538 Warsaw
+48 22 592 43 00
office@bene.com http://bene.com/en/
Bene GmbH is an Austrian leader and one of the major European players in the market innovative concepts for office. The company originates from Austria, headquarter and manufacturing facility are located in Waidhofen. Thanks to advanced technologies supporting the production and high standards regarding quality, Bene is one of the most advanced ...

Bene GmbH is an Austrian leader and one of the major European players in the market innovative concepts for office. The company originates from Austria, headquarter and manufacturing facility are located in Waidhofen. Thanks to advanced technologies supporting the production and high standards regarding quality, Bene is one of the most advanced companies producing office furniture in Europe. High-quality products of Bene, formed based on 225 years of tradition and experience, are available in 40 countries around the world. Polish branch of the company named Bene Warszawa Sp. o. o. was founded in 1997. The company is headquartered in Warsaw.

As a supplier of integrated solutions for offices, Bene develops its own product port-folio, complementing it with an assortment of leading brands. Philosophy of Bene defines the office as one of the important life spaces and emphasizes that there is a clear relationship between the office equipment, the work environment and culture of the company and its success. Every day Bene seeks to translate this philosophy into reality. With this approach, office systems of Bene are characterized by ergonomics, high quality and innovative design, which change the quality and efficiency of daily work.

Carpentry works
With over 20 years of experience in the industry CONCESSION is one of the most dynamically operating carpentry companies in Poland. CONCESSION offers comprehensive carpentry works and services for offices, hotels, interiors of shopping malls, cinemas, cafes, restaurants, shops and all kinds of service areas. CONCESSION also offers furniture for ...
Carpentry works

With over 20 years of experience in the industry CONCESSION is one of the most dynamically operating carpentry companies in Poland.
CONCESSION offers comprehensive carpentry works and services for offices, hotels, interiors of shopping malls, cinemas, cafes, restaurants, shops and all kinds of service areas. CONCESSION also offers furniture for yachts, building development projects, apartments and housing estates.
CONCESSION is a group of more than 110 specialists working in the departments of: quotation, project management, wood technologies, logistics, production and quality control. The complete machine park lets to conduct all carpentry works in one place under one roof. The Company has its own CNC centres including: our curved-edge-banding centre, numerical drills, new modern varnishing department with CEFLA varnishing automatic unit and professional drying chambers, veneering department, Solid Surface materials processing unit.
CONCESSION is able to run efficiently contacts with exceeding value of carpentry works for over 250K EUR in less than 8 weeks only.

Al. Jerozolimskie 212, Warszawa
22 462 87 96
info.pl@designexpress.eu http://www.vectorworks.com.pl/
Vectorworks cares about design. Since 1985, we have served the architecture, landscape, and entertainment industries, drawing inspiration from the world around us and encouraging the more than 650,000 designers who use our software to create experiences that transform the world. Our commitment to develop the world’s best cross-platform design ...

Vectorworks cares about design. Since 1985, we have served the architecture, landscape, and entertainment industries, drawing inspiration from the world around us and encouraging the more than 650,000 designers who use our software to create experiences that transform the world. Our commitment to develop the world’s best cross-platform design software has taught us a simple truth: great design begins with the inspiration of the designer. Vectorworks supports that inspiration by guiding the exploration of discovery and finding creative solutions. We provide powerful tools to help designers capture ideas, nurture innovation, communicate effectively, and realize their vision. We serve those who desire to create experiences that are memorable and build things that truly matter. We recognize that great design is about revealing opportunities that explore the unexpected, while fully satisfying the demands of an increasingly complex world. We acknowledge the value of a designer’s dream and strive to facilitate the creation of something that’s truly appreciated and uniquely positioned to express the best in the built environment.

ES-SYSTEM. A leading Polish lighting company that designs, develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of professional, original, high-efficiency LED lighting solutions for architectural, industrial, commercial and urban environments. ES-SYSTEM is a pioneer in the development of 100% LED lighting equipment. Its history began in 1990 in ...

ES-SYSTEM. A leading Polish lighting company that designs, develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of professional, original, high-efficiency LED lighting solutions for architectural, industrial, commercial and urban environments. ES-SYSTEM is a pioneer in the development of 100% LED lighting equipment. Its history began in 1990 in Krakow, and modern technologies, continuous improvement and prestigious lighting projects have been the company’s hallmarks ever since.

PUCZYŃSKI - street architecture
Robotnicza 31, Pruszków
+48 22 758 66 93
info@puczynski.pl https://www.puczynski.pl/en
Street architecture
PUCZYŃSKI – street furniture was established in 1978 and is the leading producer and designer of street furniture in Poland. We specialise in the design and manufacture of different types of street furniture. Our extensive product range, as presented on this website and in our catalogue is based on the successful combination of quality, ...
Street architecture

PUCZYŃSKI – street furniture was established in 1978 and is the leading producer and designer of street furniture in Poland.

We specialise in the design and manufacture of different types of street furniture. Our extensive product range, as presented on this website and in our catalogue is based on the successful combination of quality, functional design, durability and comfort. We invite you to have a closer look at our diverse reference list supported by photographic documentation of thousands of completed projects, mainly for the well-known, demanding clients. Our client portfolio is the best guarantee of the quality of our product.

Due to the variety and sheer number (over 2000) of combinations of our products, we manufacture exclusively to order. This allows us to meet your requirements with tailor-made solutions. Anti-corrosion, vandalism proofing and other technical innovations mean that our street furniture is robust enough for the most exposed and heavily used sites, without prejudicing ecological or safety standards. Individual design created in-house, combined with production from scratch, constitutes the basis for the unlimited development of new ideas and modernisation of existing designs.

We also welcome our clients designs and ideas and are ready to cooperate; creating bespoke street furniture to their specific instructions.

Rathscheck Schiefe
Łupek naturalny dachowy i elewacyjny
Firma Rathscheck Schiefer- Zajmujemy się produkcją płytek z łupka naturalnego na dachy i elewacje. Ten szlachetny materiał jest wydobywany i stosowany już od setek lat. Nowoczesna metody wydobycia sprawiły, że łupek naturalny nie jest już dostępny tylko i wyłącznie dla najzamożniejszych. Mimo to, dachy z łupka to rzadkość, ...
Łupek naturalny dachowy i elewacyjny

Firma Rathscheck Schiefer- Zajmujemy się produkcją płytek z łupka naturalnego na dachy i elewacje. Ten szlachetny materiał jest wydobywany i stosowany już od setek lat. Nowoczesna metody wydobycia sprawiły, że łupek naturalny nie jest już dostępny tylko i wyłącznie dla najzamożniejszych. Mimo to, dachy z łupka to rzadkość, każdy łupkowy dach jest niepowtarzalny. Łupek znakomicie komponuje się z architekturą budynków nowoczesnych, jak i tych o klasycznej architekturze. Mnogość kształtów, wielkości i odcieni sprawia że każdy klient znajdzie odpowiednie pokrycie dla swojego dachu czy elewacji. Walory estetyczne i najwyższe parametry jakościowe gwarantują trwałość i piękno pokrycia przez lata. Wychodząc naprzeciw architektom opracowaliśmy szereg rysunków rozwiązań architektonicznych takich jak np. detal rynny ukrytej, połączenie dachu i elewacji, sposób wykończenia stref okapowych, cokołowych i wiele innych. Na co dzień współpracujemy z architektami tworząc razem niezwykłe i niepowtarzalne projekty.

Rapid Crafting
Architectural models
At Rapid Crafting, we make extremely detailed architectural models that allow you to visualize and implement development and urban projects. The latest technologies as well as traditional methods of creating models as well as rich experience of our specialists allow us to provide the highest quality product. ...
Architectural models

At Rapid Crafting, we make extremely detailed architectural models that allow you to visualize and implement development and urban projects. The latest technologies as well as traditional methods of creating models as well as rich experience of our specialists allow us to provide the highest quality product.

Filipinki 10A, Warsaw
bok@pkig.pl http://www.pkig.pl/
Measurement engineering
Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. PKIG to przede wszystkim kadra doświadczonych inżynierów oraz nowoczesne zaplecze sprzętowe, pozwalające realizować nawet najbardziej wymagające ...
Measurement engineering

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

PKIG to przede wszystkim kadra doświadczonych inżynierów oraz nowoczesne zaplecze sprzętowe, pozwalające realizować nawet najbardziej wymagające zadania z zakresu szeroko rozumianej inżynierii pomiarowej.

Świadczymy usługi zarówno dla klientów indywidualnych jak i dla firm oraz instytucji. Wykonujemy:

  • kompleksowe inwentaryzacje obiektów zabytkowych (rzuty, elewacje, przekroje, rzuty dachów, ortofotoplany)
  • modele 3D zarówno klasyczne jak i w technologii BIM
  • działania marketingowe w obszarze nieruchomości (zdjęcia naziemne i lotnicze, wirtualne wycieczki po obiektach)
  • pomiary z zakresu inżynierii lądowej (badania przemieszczeń i odkształceń)
  • pomiary i kalkulacje powierzchni według norm polskich i zagranicznych (PN-ISO, PN-70B, BOMA, RICS, GIF, TEGOVA, IPMS)
  • W codziennej pracy wspierają nas certyfikowane instrumenty firmy Leica oraz inne dedykowane naszej firmie rozwiązania sprzętowe i software’owe.
    Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą usług na stronie fotogrametria.pkig.pl oraz do bezpośredniego kontaktu.

    Fundacja Integracja
    Integracja is one of the biggest non-profit organizations in Poland. For last 25 years we have been combating with every type of barriers against disabled people. Nowadays we are an expert in architectural, social and web-based accessibility. Within the scope of architecture we are concerned in creating friendly public spaces for every disabled ...

    Integracja is one of the biggest non-profit organizations in Poland. For last 25 years we have been combating with every type of barriers against disabled people. Nowadays we are an expert in architectural, social and web-based accessibility. Within the scope of architecture we are concerned in creating friendly public spaces for every disabled person and help about adjusting buildings and means of transport. Our mission is also to teach a sensibility and provide training how to serve a customer with a disability.

    St. Paul’s Developments – firma działająca na rynku brytyjskim od prawie 30 lat. Znana z trudnych i ambitnych projektów, jakm.in.: zagospodarowanie byłej kopalni węgla Cortonwood w Rotherham czy budowa obiektów biurowych i powierzchni przemysłowych na terenach pokopalnianych w Brookfields. St. Paul’s Developments ...

    St. Paul’s Developments – firma działająca na rynku brytyjskim od prawie 30 lat. Znana z trudnych i ambitnych projektów, jakm.in.: zagospodarowanie byłej kopalni węgla Cortonwood w Rotherham czy budowa obiektów biurowych i powierzchni przemysłowych na terenach pokopalnianych w Brookfields.
    St. Paul’s Developments Polska zasłyną w Polsce z rewitalizacji dziewiętnastowiecznej remizy strażackiej zrealizowanej wspólnie z firmą Armada Business Park. Projekt zdobył nagrodę w konkursie “Modernizacja Roku 2000”. W 2009 roku formaoddała do użytku pierwszy biurowiec klasy A w Łodzi – Textorial Park, wyróżniony nagrodą “Najważniejsza inwestycja roku 2008”.

    Textorial Park
    St. Paul’s Developments – firma działająca na rynku brytyjskim od prawie 30 lat. Znana z trudnych i ambitnych projektów, jakm.in.: zagospodarowanie byłej kopalni węgla Cortonwood w Rotherham czy budowa obiektów biurowych i powierzchni przemysłowych na terenach pokopalnianych w Brookfields. St. Paul’s Developments ...

    St. Paul’s Developments – firma działająca na rynku brytyjskim od prawie 30 lat. Znana z trudnych i ambitnych projektów, jakm.in.: zagospodarowanie byłej kopalni węgla Cortonwood w Rotherham czy budowa obiektów biurowych i powierzchni przemysłowych na terenach pokopalnianych w Brookfields.
    St. Paul’s Developments Polska zasłyną w Polsce z rewitalizacji dziewiętnastowiecznej remizy strażackiej zrealizowanej wspólnie z firmą Armada Business Park. Projekt zdobył nagrodę w konkursie “Modernizacja Roku 2000”. W 2009 roku formaoddała do użytku pierwszy biurowiec klasy A w Łodzi – Textorial Park, wyróżniony nagrodą “Najważniejsza inwestycja roku 2008”.

    Aby wziąć udział w warsztatach należy podczas rejestracji na Festiwal Architektury w polu „Uwagi” wpisać temat wybranych warsztatów.

    Day 1
    Gathering with participants
    Start of the ride

    The starting points:

    • myhive Crown Point, Prosta 70
    • myhive Nimbus Office, al. Jerozolimskie 98
    • Rondo 1, Rondo ONZ 1
    • Lixa by Yareal, Karolkowa / Kasprzaka
    Finish of the ride
    Talks about Warsaw and Wola district in context of road infrastructure, planned investment projects, etc.
    Summary - conclusions and observationst
    Registration and networking
    Welcome speech and the inauguration of the conference
    Trends in design: Shaping the future of work - the story of STUDIO by Thomas Feichtner (Presentation)

    Thomas Feichtner is a designer who has received many international awards and who has worked for such brands as Swarovski, Laufen, Bene, Adidas, Head and Absolut. He outlines the latest trends in contemporary design.

    View Speakers
    For the sake of future generations – architecture that is balanced and rooted in tradition (Presentation)
    View Speakers
    It’s nicer without them (Discussion)

    Billboards, banners, posters and meshes on buildings, large-format posters, illegal advertisements –most Polish cities are blighted by a deluge of advertising. Those who campaign for a more aesthetic approach and that actually succeed in this can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The landscape law, which has been in force since 2015, was supposed to provide the solution for this kind of visual chaos, but it actually didn’t change things much. Maybe coherent and well thought-out visual identification is the answer? And what else could be done to reduce the amount of unsightly advertising hoardings in Polish cities?

    View Speakers
    The city-forming role of real estate (Discussion)

    Improving the attractiveness of public space, influencing its development and re-energising urban life – these are now regarded as the prerequisites of a modern commercial development. However, in order to achieve this you need to be receptive to both the local environment and the kind of high-quality architecture that takes into account the needs of people and their comfort as building users. Such large projects cannot just be business enterprises. They must also have a wider, city-forming dimension.

    View Speakers
    Lunch and networking
    Innovations for healthy light (Presentation)

    ES-SYSTEM’s product assortment includes luminaires equipped with CIRCADIAN technology, which supports the circadian rhythm of human activity and is consistent with the idea of Human Centric Lighting (HCL). CIRCADIAN is a very technologically advanced lighting control system that not only changes the color temperature of light, but also has an actual influence on the processes of melatonin suppression and release occurring in the human body. Luminaires with the CIRCADIAN system closely mimic the spectrum of sunlight, which is why they can have a real impact on people and harmonize with their circadian rhythm.

    View Speakers
    3D construction printing – a global overview (Presentation)
    View Speakers
    Experimental construction (Discussion)

    Houses printed using 3D technology. Wooden skyscrapers. Towers overgrown with vegetation... this is not the set of a science fiction film, but examples of how the construction sector could operate in the future. As with container and floating houses, replacing traditional commercial buildings with ‘earthscrapers’ could perhaps turn out to be the perfect remedy for the shrinking land resources in cities.

    View Speakers
    Under a common roof (Discussion)

    How do designers approach the layout of common areas in commercial buildings? How do they reconcile the arrangement of co-working spaces, the catering space and the rest zones with the actual expectations of their users? How do people function in public areas and what can be done to make them feel good when using them?

    View Speakers
    Announcement and presentation of the winners of the Eurobuild Awards in Architecture
    Cocktail party and networking
    The ‘BIM does not bite’ seminar (Workshop)

    We have the pleasure of inviting you to a seminar aimed at introducing and providing greater understanding of BIM systems. It will involve explanations of all the terminology related to BIM and an introduction to the design, execution and management processes it offers for the development and construction sectors.

    It will also cover issues related to how businesses can prepare to the integrate BIM with their own operations. Along with outlining the best approach to take, it will also point out the pitfalls that need to be avoided in its implementation.

    The initial phase of BIM, when architects and other designers are particularly involved in the process, will be discussed in detail. A presentation will also be given on one of the author's own projects that was designed and brought into being using the BIM method.

    View Speakers
    Save me! – how to save energy in the office? (Workshop)
    View Speakers
    The Buzz Group – how to design a bee-friendly city (Workshop)

    - why keep bees in the city and is it safe

    - where to put the hives

    - what to look for when positioning the hives / the site selection criteria

    - what to plant, what not to plant and how to care for the local flora from the point of view of both the bees and the beekeeper

    View Speakers
    Modern Reflections (Workshop)

    The aim of the workshop is that each group of four has to design a set of wall collections inspired by the modern and bauhaus style. In addition, each group has the task of creating a moodboard with their proposal of accessories, finishes, and visual arrangements.

    View Speakers


     Robert Szczepaniak
    Robert Szczepaniak
    Architect (IARP, Kammer Wien), BIM klaster
     Thomas Feichtner
    Thomas Feichtner
    Product Designer, Thomas Feichtner Studio
     Bogusław Barnaś
    Bogusław Barnaś
    architect, designer, lecturer / BXBstudio Bogusław Barnaś
     Grzegorz A. Buczek
    Grzegorz A. Buczek
    Architect and urban planner, Technical University of Warsaw, Faculty of Architecture
     Wojciech Wagner
    Wojciech Wagner
    Zastępca Dyrektora, Biuro Architektury i Planowania Przestrzennego, Urząd m. st. Warszawy
     Joanna Hutnik
    Joanna Hutnik
    Vice-President of the Synergic Board
     Piotr Libicki
    Piotr Libicki
    Pełnomocnik Prezydenta Miasta Poznania ds. Estetyki Miasta, Wydział Urbanistyki i Architektury
     Mariusz Przybył
    Mariusz Przybył
    Strategic Director, Partner / BNA
     Sławomir  Gzell
    Sławomir Gzell
    Wydział Architektury / Katedra Projektowania Urbanistycznego i Krajobrazu Wiejskiego/ Politechnika Warszawska
     Maciej Krefft
    Maciej Krefft
     Krzysztof Sołoducha
    Krzysztof Sołoducha
    Editor in Chief, Sztuka Architektury Group
     Bartłomiej Kisielewski
    Bartłomiej Kisielewski
    Architect and Partner, Horizone Studio
     Jerzy Szczepanik-Dzikowski
    Jerzy Szczepanik-Dzikowski
    Architect and founding partner, Jems Architekci
     Tomasz Konior
    Tomasz Konior
    Architect and urban planner, Konior Studio
     Piotr Kozłowski
    Piotr Kozłowski
    Head of Project Leaders Team - Offices at Echo Investment
     Kamil Baj
    Kamil Baj
     Marta Rybicka
    Marta Rybicka
    Menedżer ds. Wdrożeń , Ceramika Paradyż
     Rafał Gawrylak
    Rafał Gawrylak
    President, ES-SYSTEM
     Henrik Lund Nielsen
    Henrik Lund Nielsen
    Founder & CEO, 3D Printhuset / MBA, Project manager: The Danish partnership for 3D construction printing
     Tomasz Daniecki
    Tomasz Daniecki
    Director, Head of Technical Advisory Business Development / GVA
     Anna Stryszewska-Słońska
    Anna Stryszewska-Słońska
    Architect and President of the Management Board Heinle, Wischer und Partner Architekci Sp. z o.o.
     Szymon  Wojciechowski
    Szymon Wojciechowski
    Architect, Co-owner, President of the board, APA Wojciechowski
     Ewelina Woźniak-Szpakiewicz
    Ewelina Woźniak-Szpakiewicz
    President of the board, DMDmodular / Member of the European Council of the Modular Building Institute
     Rafał Schurma
    Rafał Schurma
    President and Founder, Polish Green Building Council
     Anna Górska-Kwiatkowska
    Anna Górska-Kwiatkowska
    Associate | Landlord Representation Manager, Cushman & Wakefield
     Bartosz Trzop
    Bartosz Trzop
    Architect, founder and CEO, Trzop Architects
     Anna Marszałek
    Anna Marszałek
    Projektant wnętrz, Global Portfolio Manager w Grupie Nowy Styl
     Brian Patterson
    Brian Patterson
    Founder, Managing Partner, White Star
     Bogusz Parzyszek
    Bogusz Parzyszek
    CEO, Founder, Workplace Solutions
     Łukasz Wyporski
    Łukasz Wyporski
    Business Development Manager, Digital Systems Osram


    Plants take over thinking space
    24 September 2018

    Plants take over thinking space

    During the Architecture Festival organised by Eurobuild Conferences in Warsaw a talk was given by Thomas Feichtner, a Viennese designer of furniture and other everyday objects who created the Studio by Bene office furniture system. The presentation touched on a number of issues including design trends that had not yet reached Poland. Afterwards we had ...
    The third Architecture Festival is now behind us
    24 September 2018

    The third Architecture Festival is now behind us

    The third Architecture and Construction Festival organised by Eurobuild Conferences ended on the evening of September 19th. As usual the highlight of the event was the presentation of the Eurobuild Awards in Architecture. The day began with a presentation by Austrian designer Thomas Feichtner, who talked about the latest trends in the design of ...
    Eurobuild Awards w Architekturze coraz bliżej rozstrzygnięcia
    6 September 2018

    Eurobuild Awards w Architekturze coraz bliżej rozstrzygnięcia

    W siedzibie Zarządu Głównego SARP miała miejsce pierwsza tura głosowania nad najlepszymi projektami architektonicznymi obiektów zrealizowanych w Polsce w 2017 roku. W pierwszym etapie architekci wchodzący w skład jury wytypowali po trzy najlepsze projekty w każdej z kategorii: – Biurowiec roku – Proekologiczny biurowiec ...

    Current events Eurobuild Conferences

    Schedule 2025

    Schedule 2025

    , ,
    21st FEBRUARY Europejskie Centrum Tenisa, Mysiadło 3rd Doubles Winter Tennis Tournament, Winter Edition 27th MARCH Radisson Collection Hotel, Warsaw 11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference 15th MAY Sound Garden Hotel,Warsaw 16th Office Market: Trends and Forecasts Conference 6th JUNE 2nd Eurobuild ...
    The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

    The 15th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

    October 17th, 2024, Sound Garden Hotel, Warsaw
    It is true that the office market has stagnated, but it is also true that it is extremely hot! New projects are announced sporadically, as are acquisitions of ready-built properties, but existing and planned office spaces are undergoing extensive metamorphoses, in line with new work models and the now-common ESG principles. Participants in the ...


    23 października 2024, , Restauracja Dock19 by Mateusz Gessler, Elektrownia Powiśle, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 43C, Warszawa
    Sorry, this entry is only available in Polish. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.REJESTRACJA ZAKOŃCZONA Zapraszamy na śniadanie biznesowe Prologis przygotowane we współpracy z Eurobuild Conferences! Zaproszeni eksperci ...
    3. Deblowy Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild, Edycja Zimowa

    3. Deblowy Turniej Tenisa Eurobuild, Edycja Zimowa

    February 21, 2025, Europejskie Centrum Tenisa, ul. Topolowa 29, Mysiadło
    🎾 Join Our Winter Tennis Tournament – Excitement Awaits! 🎾 🏆 Hello, Tennis Enthusiasts! On February 21st, we’re hosting the third edition of our Winter Doubles Tournament – where fun meets friendly competition on the court! 🤝 Mixed Doubles – Partner Lottery! No need to bring a partner – we’ll randomly pair you up on ...
    11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

    11th Commercial Real Estate Investment Conference

    March 27th, 2025, Warsaw, Radisson Collection Hotel, Grzybowska 24
    Poland remains the leader in the CEE region in terms of investment market turnover, and real estate financing holds strategic importance for banks in Poland. The past year ended with large transactions. It’s an optimistic outlook, though still cautious, especially in light of risks related to the geopolitical situation and the ongoing war in ...
    The 16th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

    The 16th Office Market Conference. Trends & Outlook

    May 15th, 2025, Hotel Sound Garden, Żwirki i Wigury 18, Warsaw,
    Excitement has returned to the office market, alongside investors and major transactions. Is this the end of the post-pandemic stagnation? Where is the capital for office complexes and towers coming from, and what are the future investment flows? Who stands to benefit, and who will face new challenges? Key market factors include limited new supply, ...
    24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

    24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament

    JUNE 6th, 2025, First Warsaw Golf, Rajszew
    Once again, we have the great pleasure of inviting you to the 24th Annual Eurobuild Golf Tournament, which will traditionally take place at the First Warsaw Golf course in Rajszew. During the tournament, three competitions will be held: Ladies' Longest Drive Men's Longest Drive Closest to the Pin As every year, alongside the tournament, we ...
    2nd Eurobuild Running Tournament

    2nd Eurobuild Running Tournament

    JUNE 6th, 2025, ,
    On your marks, get set, go! After last year’s debut of Eurobuild Run, we are proud to announce that we are preparing the second edition of this unique event. Once again, the race will take place in a picturesque setting, offering participants not only the thrill of competition but also the chance to enjoy the outdoors with friends and ...
    20th Eurobuild Summer Tennis Tournament

    20th Eurobuild Summer Tennis Tournament

    JUNE 6th, 2025, Klub Tenisowy Warszawianka, Warsaw
    For the twentieth time, we invite you to take part in a unique event that combinesa passion for tennis with the opportunity to establish valuable business relationships. Our annual tournament is an excellent occasion for integration, networking, and exchanging experiences in a relaxed atmosphere. As every year, participants will have the chance ...
    21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

    21st Cee Warehouse & Logistics Conference

    SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2025, Centrum Konferencyjne Legii Warszawa,
    Last year in the Polish warehouse market was marked by maturity and stabilization—often synonymous with slowdown and stagnation. Are we now in a different reality, with developers unfreezing investments? Are investors negotiating new portfolio transactions? What are tenants looking for, and will they find it in Poland? How do ...