The third Architecture Festival is now behind us

24 September 2018

The third Architecture and Construction Festival organised by Eurobuild Conferences ended on the evening of September 19th.
As usual the highlight of the event was the presentation of the Eurobuild Awards in Architecture. The day began with a presentation by Austrian designer Thomas Feichtner, who talked about the latest trends in the design of office furniture. He was followed by Bogusław Barnaś from BXB Studio with a presentation on how to root sustainable architecture in tradition. Then Grzegorz Buczek moderated the first panel discussion on advertising in urban space, and Krzysztof Sołoducha moderated the second on the topic of how real estate creates a city. There followed more presentations: Rafał Gawrylak talked about the latest lighting technology, especially its use in the office, and Henrik Lund Nielsen from 3D Printhuset, talked of how his company had used 3D printing for the first time in Europe to create a house and how this technology could shape the future.

Then Tomasz Daniecki took to the stage to moderate a discussion on experimental construction techniques and the last such discussion of the day was moderated by Anna Górska-Kwiatkowska, and the panellists talked of the future of co-working spaces as well as food and beverage and relaxation areas.

Then camethe moment to announce the winners of the Eurobuild Awards in Architecture. And the winners were:

– Eco- and User-Friendly Facility of the Year – Business Garden II,

– Public Space of the Year – a woonerf on ul. Zacisze,

– Revitalisation of the Year – a wooden house and tenement on the corner of ul. Łowicka and ul. Przędzalniana 91 in Łódź,

– Workspace Solution of the Year – the offices of CEDC International,

– Residential Development of the Year –Witolda 43,

– Shopping Centre of the Year – Wroclavia.

Congratulations to all the winners, and a big thank you to all those who took. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

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