Architectural workshop – how to keep hives in the city and maintain the environment around them

29 August 2018

Why keep bees in the city – and is it safe? Where to put the hives? What to look for when positioning the hives? What to plant, what not to plant, and how to care for the local flora from the point of view of both the bees and the beekeeper? The answers to all these questions and more beside will be provided by the experts on hand at ‘The Buzz Group – how to design a bee-friendly city’ workshop, which will take place on September 19th during the Architecture and Construction Festival in Warsaw. The workshop will be led by Kamil Baj of Pszczelarium. At the meeting Kamil will share his passion for bees as well as practical advice on how to run an apiary in the city in line with the concept of sustainable urban development.
Anyone interested in this workshop is invite to register for it, via the events website:

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