The fourth Eurobuild Awards for Architecture

10 May 2019

The Eurobuild Awards for Architecture will be taking place this year for the fourth time. The significance of this event has grown each year, together with the prestige that comes with winning an award – for the architects and designers of new commercial and residential projects as well as those involved in revitalisations and workspace design. The aim of the Eurobuild Awards for Architecture is to give due recognition to the concepts that change our surroundings and transform our cityscapes for the better. More and more examples of projects that have succeeded in doing this can be seen all the time, so we want to encourage their designers to show off their achievements: the large scale developments, as well as those that are important for smaller local communities or are aimed at preserving our national heritage.
The methodology we – in cooperation with the Association of Polish Architects – have devised for choosing the winners has earned the respect of those working in the field of architecture and design as well as the investors and developers who also sit on the jury. In our minds there can be no doubt that the competition jury is independent and arrives at its decisions fairly during the voting. For us, as the organiser of the competition, and in the eyes of the real estate market, the integrity and authority of the jury is unquestionable and a major asset of this project.
The voting will take place in two stages. In the first, architects and designers will select the three best projects in each category. The winners will then be chosen in the second stage, during the gala event for all members of the jury.
The main event, however, is the award ceremony, which will take place on September 18th. The competition is open to architects and designers whose concepts have been realised in 2018. Designs can be submitted in the following categories:
• Office building of the year
• Eco-friendly office building of the year
• Restoration of the year
• Workplace solution of the year
• Public space of the year
• Multi-family residential development of the year
Detailed information on the competition, its regulations and how to enter are available at

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