The Second Festival of Architecture

12 June 2017

Preparations have been launched for the Festival of Architecture 2017, which will take place at the home of the Association of Polish Architects [SARP] at ul. Foksal 2 in Warsaw on September 20th.

The Association of Polish Architects, which celebrates its 140th anniversary this year, is a partner of the Festival, as it was for the first event. Due to this the presence of genuine icons of the architectural scene is to be expected at the Festival. During the panel entitled ‘140 Years of SARP’ it will be possible to listen to a discussion between the winners of the SARP Honorary Award on the changes that have taken place in architecture over the years.

Extensive programme

The Festival will feature other debates and presentations on the development of the modern city, trends in the design of accessible and eco-friendly buildings, shopping centres, museums as well as residential buildings. Those attending the Festival will also have the opportunity to participate in specially prepared workshops on topics that will soon be announced on the event’s website.

We would be delighted to see you at the Festival of Architecture! Admission is free for members of the Association of Polish Architects!

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